Fascinating Clouds

Stuck At Home And Looking For Things To Do?

Article Summary

Farm sunrise

While being stuck at home with nothing to do was an experience many people had from 2020 to 2022. it’s not really a new phenomenon.
Days with pouring rain from storm clouds or hot days where you just can’t be assessed getting out of the house are likely causes for deciding to remain stuck in your house.

Sunset on Farm

While watching TV can be tempting, here are some alternatives to get you and the kids off the screens and provide great entertainment or family bonding time.

Fun things to do at home

The first thing that comes to mind is indoor drones.

Why? They are generally not expensive, their battery can last for about 10 minutes, and most can be charged within 30-60 minutes.  

Why is that good? Because you can play for ten minutes, then do something useful while you are waiting for the drone to charge, so it breaks up the day nicely. They won’t cost too much, but they will provide hours of entertainment for the whole family and help you take your mind off the situation at hand.

The second thing that comes to mind is board games.

If you are by yourself, you can still play with family and friends using the many forms of video chats that are available. You may have to move the pieces for the person on the other side, but they can still roll the dice form their end.
It’s about being adaptive to help you get through this period of isolation.

Lightning nearby

The third thing that comes to mind is paper aeroplanes.

If you have paper lying around the house, then they are free to make, and you can test your skills and have endless hours of fun for the whole family. If you don’t know how to make them, there are many sites that show you how to make simple paper aeroplanes that aren’t complicated. While you’re at it you may also learn some basic aerodynamics in the process.

The last thing that comes to mind is your imagination.

We all used to imagine and pretend play when we were kids. Turn your home into your adventure. You don’t have to change anything or spend any money just let your imagination fly.

In Conclusion, A day at home can easily be turned into a fun-filled event for the whole family. It requires motivation and self-control to stay away from those screens. Yes, I know the irony, you are reading this on a screen, but hopefully, you can now walk away and have some fun :).

Farm sunrise