Over the last 10 years, I’ve been using a product called Fixt. I wrote a review about their hand sanitiser a while back. But the main product I used and probably should have written a review about was their pain relief gel (it has been known by other names in the past). While its primary purpose is to relieve aches and pains in your back muscles and joints, you can also use Fixt to aid in healing minor burns and insect bites.
I find it’s an excellent natural remedy for pain relief, and I’ve used Fixt for all the above purposes.

What Sensation Do You Get When Applying The Fixt Pain Relief Gel?
Applying Fixt to my skin creates a cool burning sensation like other similar gels in its category. When you initially apply the gel, the cool heat sensation is not immediately apparent, but it does kick in reasonably quickly.
What I Use The Fixt Pain Relief Gel For
In my previous role as an airline pilot, I found sitting down all day with no chance to move around caused lower back pains.
I used Fixt in combination with stretching my back, and it really aided in relieving the pain.
I could go on and on for 1000 words about how it does that, but basically, you apply the gel on the affected area, and you feel a cold heat sensation. This then releases the tension in the muscles.
So now I hear you saying great, that’s a waste of my time. You’ve actually told me nothing. But if you read below, you’ll see the true power of this product.
Now before I go on this is my personal experience with the product and how it helped me I am assuming you are an adult reading this and you’re capable of taking responsibility for your own actions and assessing if an option is suitable for you or not and if the choice you made to follow a recommendation doesn’t work out you realise it’s on you as you made the choice to take the action.
If the above doesn’t apply, then stop reading now !

Relief from minor skin burns
It sounds counterintuitive that a product that produces a cold burning sensation would help relieve an area that has just been burnt due to spilling boiling water or accidentally touching a hot stove.
Initially, I was very hesitant to try this out, and I haven’t used it on an open wound. I’ve only used it when the skin was still intact and after carrying out the basic first aid procedures after receiving a minor burn.
In the past, a burn from a fire heater, a stove or hot water would take ages to heal, but after applying Fixt on the affected area, the healing time significantly reduced, and I also found it aided in reducing the scarring
Relief from insect bites
For some reason, I’m a mosquito magnet, why I don’t know, but I am.
I have literally seen a mosquito fly next to my wife, turn around and attempt to get me (a mosquito was harmed in this instant).
You get the point. I get bitten a lot and it’s a f%@#&$!* pain.
Using Fixt on the affected area relieves the itch and heals it faster.
I have been stung by bees and wasps, and the first thing I do is apply Fixt on the affected area.
The swelling is reduced, and although it still itches, at least it’s not inflamed.
Nasal congestion relief
This one is a bit more hardcore and not for the faint hatred.
Sinuses are a pain, and not being able to breathe through your nose is frustrating.
When I have congestion, I apply Fixt on the area around the opening to my nostrils.
How does it feel? I hear you ask
- Is the cold burning sensation around your nostrils fun?
But the reward justifies the pain as not only does it help relieve the congestion, it also heals the areas around the nostrils that have been irritated from blowing and wiping your nose with tissues.
So What’s In Fixt And How Does It Help Do The Things Mentioned Above
Fixt is an organic product with natural ingredients that’s not tested on animals. The company that produces this product is based in New Zealand. Here is their website and where you can buy the product,

Is that special enough? Probably not. Am I making it sound like an advertorial? Probably yes. But I really like this product.
I’m not a scientist who can analyse each of these elements. But the combination of natural plant elements works.
To be honest, I don’t need to know how it works. I like that it does, and after using it for more than 10 years, I haven’t been disappointed.
What Are The Downsides To The Fixt Pain Relief Gel
Uncomfortable on sensitive areas
As I mentioned earlier, It provides a cool burning sensation. It doesn’t take much imagination to envision what happens if you have decided to place it on your inner thighs and your private parts come in contact with it.
Top tip: if you need to apply the gel around your inner thigh area, wear underpants to ensure your private part remains in a sealed location and out of contact.
Strong smell
The smell isn’t bad, and the most similar smell I can describe it to which the average person would know is ‘Tiger balm’ (not exactly but vaguely similar). Some people like it, and some people don’t. That’s the other reason it helps relieve congestion.
Final Thoughts
I really like this product and all the things you can use it for. While it’s not a remedy for chronic pain, it does help relieve areas of pain.
It aids the body’s natural healing process in all the areas I described above and has so many good uses that help in ways that similar products on the market wouldn’t, so being an all-rounder for other use cases defiantly convinces me to continue using it.
Rimon Franklin is a father of four kids and a work at home dad. He is a community minded individual, an entrepreneur and an aviation enthusiast who loves sharing knowledge and discovering new things.